Thursday, September 2, 2010

Problems I Found with Chiropractic

As I got out of school and worked in my career sector, I found many things that I disliked (and now avoid).  Some of these complaints came from others, but mostly are things I discovered that I wasn't taught in school.

Here is the list of the "Problems" I found with Chiropractic, from an official Doctor of Chiropractic's view:

1.  Cost:  I have seen patients with little or no money go to a Chiropractor with immense pain.  They make it clear that finances are short and hard pressed.  The Doctor agrees to see them at a 'cash rate' or lower price.  I have then seen these patients go to check out and be billed hundreds of dollars due to the exam, treatment, the supplements sold and so on.  I have seen the look of panic on these people's faces.  I don't like that look.

2.  Convenience:  I have seen Chiropractors that will work the weirdest hours and the only way to get in to see them is to take time off work or go during a lunch break.  Who wants to use a lunch break for a Doctor visit?  Who wants to get off work, where you may have been sitting all day, to go sit some more in a Doctor's office?  Sometimes the wait can be a LONG time.  I don't like that pattern.

3.  High Insurance Deductibles:  I have seen patients with $5000 insurance deductibles that have to pay out of pocket for Chiropractic care because of such a high deductible.  Then we are back to problem 1.  I don't like that insurance, or the lack thereof, can hinder treatment.

4.  No Insurance.  That speaks for itself, because then you are again faced with problem 1.  Not anymore.

5.  Short Time with the Doctor:  I have seen patients eager to be able to speak with their Doctor only given a few minutes to talk.  I have seen many a patient go in, get treated, get out and go home in about 5 minutes time.  I have seen situations where the patient is not even allowed to speak to the Doctor at all!  I like to talk to my patients.  Many times, one little recommendation from that conversation can make all the difference in the world.

6.  Pressure to BUY, BUY, BUY!!!!  I have seen patients being told that they have a certain condition and that the only thing to take care of that is to buy the Doctor's supplements, vitamins, braces, pillows, CD's, DVD's, books, and much more.  This is not true!  Otherwise, people wouldn't be getting better elsewhere.  I like to tell you what you need to do to get better.  If you need a vitamin, brace, etc., I will tell you where you can buy it for less than half of what you will pay in a Chiropractor's office.  Now a days, quality supplements can be found at our regular stores, like Walmart, Target, CVS, Walgreens, Sprouts, and more!

7.  Being Told to Come Back a Million Times!  I have seen patients being scheduled for 20 follow up visits after only the first treatment!  Some instances the 20 visits have been 'prescribed' even before being seen at the office!?  Truth of the matter is that most Chiropractic conditions should show remarkable improvement within 1 or 2 visits.  The need for all those visits is not the patient's, but the Doctor's.  I like to treat and leave the visits up to the patient. YOU set your treatment parameters.  No need to worry about becoming 'addicted' or having to pay hundreds of dollars a month for treatment that is unnecessary. 

8.  Hidden Fees.  I have seen Chiropractors tell a patient that they will not have any surprise costs.  I am probably not the only one that has seen that change the second you go to check out.  Or a bill will come in the mail.  My fee is always the same, no matter what:  $30 fixed for your 15minutes of time with the Doctor.  Nothing extra. 

9.  Weird Procedures.  I have seen some weird, unfounded, unproven and outright bogus stuff being performed by Chiropractors.  Check some of my other posts in blog archive for information about Applied Kinesiology (AK), Biomeridian Machines, Magnets, Lasers and so on.  Sometimes you will think that these tests feel real.  Just check my post about Ideomotor Action and brain patterns, you will find it very interesting, and downright cool.

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